Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Block 32 Our Loss and Killed and Wounded (#130 from Civil War Anniversary Quilts)

Block 32 (#130) Our Loss and Killed and Wounded, pg 114 & 260

3 colors light purple (A & B), dark purple (D) and tan/cream C

A. 2 (light purple in picture) 2 3/8” squares cut on 1 diagonal (corners)

B. 6 (light purple in picture) 1 7/8” squares cut on 1 diagonal (center)

C. 2 (tan/cream in picture) 1 7/8” squares cut on 1 diagonal (center)

D. 4 (dark purple in picture) 2 ¼” X 4 ¾” rectangles (to be trimmed later, this is over-sized)

1. Sew C (tan) triangle to B (light purple) triangle to make HST. Make 4

2. Sew 2 B (light purple) to each side of light purple-tan/cream unit from step 1 (see picture). Make 4.

3. Find center of D rectangle (dark purple in picture), press and match to center of unit in step 2. Sew together making sure you don’t lose tan/cream point.

4. Find center of A triangle (press) and match to center of D (dark purple) rectangle. Sew to unit from step Three. Trim to 3 ½”. Make 4.

5. Sew 4 units from step four to make 6 ½” square.

Pictures to follow


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