Now for Irish hexies! I'm making 32 (7 rows, 4 with 5 across and 3 with just 4) of these for a lap quilt.
You'll need Accuquilt hexagons and half hexagons plus equilateral triangle ruler or suitable rulers to cut you hexagons and half hexies.
Cut centers from Hexagon die (on left above), feel free to fussy cut them if you have a suitable print (I did!) I cut 32 centers.
Cut the 'rounds from the half-hexagon die (center and right above). You'll need 6 half-hexies for each hexagon. (So, 6 X 32 for the quilt I made = 192! Fortunately you can cut 12 at a time!)

This takes partial seam sewing (you only sew half-way on the first half-hex) then sew them around counter clockwise.
Add the half-hexies around:

last one
After adding the last one, finish that partial seam.

I don't use pins, but if I did, this is how it would look!
Cut oodles of triangles. I used the EZ ruler and cut strips 4 1/4":
Love those engineered corners!

I cut 62 (for 32 blocks), trim those tips! They fit perfectly!!
begin row To put together a quilt you'll use the triangles. Odd rows just use 1 triangle on each end, and 2 for the rest in the row--top right and bottom left.

end row

add several of these (3 for my quilt) between the ones with just 1 triangle!
Even rows you start and end with 3 triangles (2 on the left side for start of row plus upper right and 2 on right side plus lower left for end of row) with two triangles for the rest of the row.

then add more of these between them (I added 2 on my even rows):
Put all rows together

looks odd, but works perfectly!
Sew rows together -- edges will be zigzag!:
leave it like this if you're into Modern Quilting!
trim the sides leaving 1/4" of the even-row triangles and a little over half of the odd-row hexies on each side.

Haven't figured out what to do with the 'left-overs", but I will!
I added framing border cut at 2 1/2" and border cut at 6"