Sunday, October 14, 2012

Block 21 Pious Men from Civil War Anniversary, quilt #3

Block 21 (#119) Pious Men, pg 249, Civil War Anniversary quilt #3, Civil War letters

3 fabrics

A & B are purple in picture

C & D are green in picture

E a tan center in picture


A 4 ¼” square cut on both diagonals (large purple triangles)--this will be trimmed after sewing

B 2 @ 3 ¾’ squares, cut on 1 diagonal (small purple triangles)

C Cut 4 rectangles 1 ¼” X 3 ¾”, align 45 degree line along bottom edge with corner of ruler on lower right--cut from bottom to top along ruler edge

D Cut 4 rectangles 1 ¼” X 3”. Align the 45 degree line along bottom edge with coner of ruler at lower left --cut from bottom to top along ruler egde

E cut 2 @ 1 7/8” and then along 1 diagonal

Putting it together

1. Sew E triangle (diagonal edge) to D along shorter long edge (see picture)--leave ¼” sticking out on each side of E--make 4, press 2 towards E (tan) and 2 towards D (green)

2 . Sew A (larger purple triangle) on to D longer long edge (see photo)--you will align triangle so the straight edge of green rectangle is along right angle of triangle . Press to triangle . Make 4

3. Take unit from step one. Sew unit from step 2 so that the green rectangles make a right angle (the large purple triangle will be much longer than the green rectangle on unit 1), press to purple/green unit. You can now trim off excess of large triangle--align edge of ruler from small E triangle along green rectangle (D) and trim purple triangle (A) in straight line. Make 4

4. Add B triangles to side with green rectangles. Make 4

5. Trim all of these to 3 ½” squares. Sew together as 4-patch matching the center tan triangles.

Hope these make sense--I can sew another one and take pictures if needed, just let me know!

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