Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer Sensations July 22--Melon Patch

Many thanks to Marian at Seams To Be Sew for leading this blog hop.  No surprise, she has the best blog hops, always!!  I don't know where she finds the energy for all she does--don't forget to visit her site as she's posting free patterns of summer goodies every day of this hop.  If the Rafflecopter doesn't work below, go to her site to enter!) 

Melon Patch

It's been hot here (117 F today) so anything that can cool you off is good thing!  Hello melons (and Popsicles--I'm eating one now....) This is my first Hop! Hope the rafflecopter and pdf templates work!
Summer means lots of fresh melons:  Watermelon, cantaloupe, casaba, honeydew (had to take a bite of that one!) & crenshaw.... and don't forget the bumblebees, butterflies and dragonflies who come to visit! I had to toss in one heart flower since I just love summer melons!

My quilt is adapted from a pattern by Eleanor Burns of Quilt in a Day and the original pattern can be found here:  Watermelon Wall Hanging. The melon slices can be cut with the Drunkard's Path die from Accuquilt.  The 'Critters' and 'round flower' are also from Accuquilt dies.  The melon rinds were cut using the Quilt in a Day 'Wedding Ring' template set:  Template rulers from Quilt in a Day  

Cut watermelon and other melons colors from several different fabrics (I used a permanent pen to draw the seeds on the watermelon).  I'll bet you can find lots in your stash!!  The watermelon rinds used 6 different greens and the other 4 melon rinds are from 3 different cream/tan fabrics (each used twice for each rind).  After piecing 6 rind (tumbler type) shapes, I used the Wedding Ring Arc to trace on smooth side of non-woven fusible interfacing, sewing it on the traced arc lines with bumps facing the right side of pieced fabric.  Trim to 1/8" from stitching line (or less...)  Leave the end open and turn right side out.  The fusible is now on the back of your rinds and can be ironed onto block with the melon shape in one corner of an 8" square--leave 1" space from the edge of square at top and side away from melon shape in corner when pressing the rind onto the melon--stitch rind down (feel free to remove excess fabric from behind the melon shape).  The rind template has two lines on convex curve--because I forgot to add enough seam allowance on first drawing!
Melon template or just use your Drunkard's Path die!
Melon Rind templates
Obviously this is easier if you have the template rulers from Quilt in a Day, and/or the Wedding Ring fusible from Quilt Smart!

Now for the schedule of other bloggers taking part in the Summer Sensations Blog Hop.

July 21
Quilt In Piece 
Moose Stash Quilting
Bumbleberry Stitches

July 22
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Sally’s Quilts --you're here
Thrift Shop Commando

July 25
Cloth and Paper Studio
Quilt Doodle Designs
Seams To Be Sew
Life In The Scrapatch

July 26
Seacoast Quilter
TeaTme Creations
I Can Quilt 2

Visit Marian at Seams To Be Sew for The Free Pattern of the Day.

Now for the giveaway. Please comment on this post and then enter the giveaway.  Leave a comment at each of the featured blogs on their days, fill out the rafflecopter entry form and you are entered. See above for the schedule for all Lucky 13 participants.Good luck!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Summer Sensations is coming next week

From Marian, the leader of this one (I do not know how she does it all!):

It’s almost that moment you’ve been waiting for all summer. 13 wonderful bloggers have hopefully sat in the air conditioned sewing room and created something beautiful for you to enjoy during your visit to their blogs on their featured day of the hop.
Today I have the honor of posting the schedule so you can plan your week next week to visit your favorite blogs and possibly even meet some new ones.
Our wonderful sponsor for this giveaway is:

Fat Quarter shop is giving a $25.00 gift certificate for each day of Summer Sensations
Friday’s giveaway will run the entire weekend.
and here is the schedule for Summer Sensations…
July 21
July 22
July 25
July 26
I hope we see you there
Marian at Seams to Be Sew will see you Monday with the release of Sam In Japan and Greece, don’t forget to vote. (These are just wonderful, Marian is soooo talented)

Hopefully the rafflecopter will work here when it's my turn! If not, just go to Seams to Be Sew.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Harry Potter fabric by Clothworks 2016

New fabric celebrating Harry Potter at JoAnn's.  I usually do not buy fabric there, but this was a no brainer!

Reg. price $10.99, on sale 30% off plus coupon for 25% off total sale worked out to a little over $6yd

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Nancy is giving away a Necessaire at Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe plus odds & ends

Victorian Moto Sampler Shop give away

Goodies included
You do have to be a follower to win the prize but that's easy to do--see Faithful Friends on right side. The winner will get to choose the fabric cover from several that are shown at her site.  Nancy also makes the most beautiful hand-dyed floss.  Do check the site out.

If you haven't seen my recent post, there are lots of authentic 19th Century conversationals including 3 that I own (recent acquisitions)--enjoy

New Outlander block is available--it's a map of Scotland with all the special place names!  see Outlander BOM

Friday, July 1, 2016

Oh my, look what I found (and bought!), good thing as I think we are at the end of my previous finds

 1860s looks like flags, so....16"X 43" so I can actually use some, maybe.....

 1870s (ridiculous price but I 'had to have it') 7"X9" piece

 detail of the 1870s dogs above

 1870s bulldog!! Isn't it wonderful?  24"X24"!!

Here's a few I just have pictures of:
1883 Grafton and Co., UK, mourning print

 1876 Centennial print

1829 Alsace, France at Winterthur Museum

 1845 France, weapons


 Francois Pieters (Engraver), Henry Grevedon (Artist) Bolbec, Normandy 1825-1830

 1885 Schwabe & Son (yarn? thread?)

I've enjoyed sharing these with you and will continue to do so when I find more.  I had planned to present a Poster Session at the American Quilt Study Group this September in Tempe (since I live in AZ) but unfortunately my abstract and CV went astray and missed the review process.  Oh well, sigh. I'm in contact with the Philadelphia University to get permission to publish photos of some of their conversationals from the Zane collection (which form the bulk of my research finds.) Wish me luck!