Judie Rothermel Classic Conversational (I have)

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversational (I have)

Judie Rothermel Betsy Ross Collection (can't find mine)

Judie Rothermel Betsy Ross Collection (I have lots!)

Judie Rothermel Party of Twelve (I have)

Judie Rothermel The Union Forever (I have)

Judie Rothermel The Union Forever (I have, also in blue)

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversationals (I have)

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversationals (I have), EBay & Amazon & 5 Bucks a Yard (dot com)

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversationals (I have)

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversationals (I have), EBay

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversationals (I don't have this)
Judie Rothermel Classic Conversational on EBay

Antique Conversational by RJR (don't have)

Antique Conversational by RJR (have) on EBay

Antique Conversational by RJR (have)

Antique conversational by RJR (don't have)

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversational (have)

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversational 'cheater' (I have)

Classic Conversational (have)

Ascot by Windham (have all)

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversational (just ordered it!)
Judie Rothermel Classic Conversational (just ordered it)--this was the one with Hot air balloons, should have saved the picture as they deleted it once I bought it.

Judie Rothermel Classic Conversational (just ordered more)
Most of these are no longer available but EBay, Amazon and 5 Bucks a Yard have the Blue Scarabs and the musical staff and leaves ones are available on Ebay (with a few others including green background with dog wearing red collar from RJR, [Classic Conversational had same print in pale blue] and one with horseshoes also RJR). Elkabee's Fabric Paradise had the last three. Many of the Ascot fabrics are at Rusty Crow. We need more of these!!!