Sunday, September 2, 2012

Block 14, A Pleasant Trip, from Civil War Letters Quilt

Block 14, A Pleasant Trip (#112, page 242)

3 colors:

A light: (center) 2 ½” square

B medium, total 4 2 ½“ squares cut on one diagonal:

2 @ 2 ½” square cut on 1 diagonal for center square in a square and

4 @ 2 ½” squares cut on one diagonal for the ‘border’

C dark 4 @ 3” square cut on 1 diagonal and 2 @ 2 ½ “ square cut on one diagonal

1. Sew medium triangles to each side of the light square, centering diagonal on opposite sides, press out and repeat on other two sides. Trim resulting ‘square in a square’ to 3 3/8”.

2. Repeat step 1 with the dark triangles from 3” squares for a ‘square-in-a-square-in-a-square’, trim to 4 ½”

3. Take 2 medium triangles and 1 dark triangle from 2 ½’” squares and sew along short sides so that the long diagonal edge is along longer length (med + dark + medium). Trim this unit to 1 ½” wide (triangles are oversized as you’ll have to off-set the triangles to make it straight with ‘¼” ears above and below triangles.) Didn’t measure the length--should be around 5 ½”

4. Sew units from step 3 above to each side of the unit in step two, the 4 ½” ‘square-in-a-square-in-a-square’.

5. Add corner triangles (from 3” dark squares) to the corners and trim to 6 ½”.
Here's mine:


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